Thursday, 28 April 2011

What does a Christian need to be for lesbians and gays?

I am becoming convinced that the language and intent we use to talk to people (especially in existing gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, swinging, polyandrous or liberal communities) needs to change to be consistently crystal clear on:

  • God's love and OUR love for PEOPLE,
  • the redemption Jesus offers through the cross to everyone who believes ,
  • the acceptance and support provided by a church community towards anyone wanting to follow or find God,
  • what sin is and it's effects on our ability to be right with God, (why we all need to change)
  • sexual orientation/preference is not the sin, it’s what you do that matters
  • and our personal assurance, integrity and openness that we have no room to judge what others struggle with

… because

  • we all struggle in different ways and seasons to eradicate sin and live up to who God made us to be.
  • it is next to impossible to say to someone in a supportive like-minded community to switch to an unsupportive, judgmental church community
  • it is up to God to change people’s hearts, it’s our delight to celebrate and encourage the changes
  • conviction is a work of the holy spirit, not the judgements of our own intolerant hearts
  • if we have been unconditionally accepted by God, wouldn’t we want to extend that same acceptance to each other?
  • we cannot compromise on what the bible calls actions that are sin, but neither must we compromise on continually loving each other and extending mercy, forgiveness and grace

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