Thursday, 19 May 2011

Now about spiritual gifts, I don’t want you to be ignorant


I think the Holy Spirit gets a bum wrap.

  1. He’s important, often ‘neglected’ [except for what we can get from him], and misunderstood because he’s poorly spoken about and we look for evidence for him and his interactions with us in poor places.
  2. I believe that the fruits of the spirit are helpful, wonderful and central to being a Christ follower.
  3. I believe the gifts of the spirit are relevant [for today] and helpful, but finding evidence of authentic ones and using the gifts appropriately is difficult.

in regards to the spirit and how we interact with him..

  • I’m often scared of him (not in a holy fear kind of way) but just scared because I don’t understand what’s going on sometimes.
    • He seems to be presented so different and out of control than ‘Jesus’ – or probably who I’ve made Jesus to be in my head? - But perhaps it’s not the holy spirit I’m scared of but rather people supposedly affected by the spirit?
  • Totally comfortable with the fruits of the spirit “love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self-control” (note ‘self-control’) no-one could disagree that these are great characteristics.
    • I couldn’t get through the day without the direction of the spirit or the ability to have his help to examine my motives/actions/thoughts…
  • Though I get that in an attempt to be helpful we have talked about him living in my ‘Jesus shaped hole’ (think about that mental image for a minute) – I am uncomfortable with the ‘go on being filled’ if that means anything other than ‘maintain and enjoy / seek out a relationship’ with this person of the trinity.
  • I don’t get why we do ‘spirit filling stuff’ [at the front] in church meetings (almost as a spectacle) when we cultivate our relationship with Christ in private, but share his effect on our lives publically.
    • being filled with the spirit isn’t a ‘sign and wonder’ as far as I can tell (anymore than God is, or Jesus is)
    • I don’t know what the shaking, screaming, laughing, wobbling is.. (I mean I know how we describe it, but I don’t think I have any measure to discern what it is when I see ‘it’ occurring) and I’m uncomfortable with it. – especially if it doesn’t lead to more of the ‘fruits’ of the spirit being displayed in our lives. 
    • The filling of the disciples/apostles at Pentecost didn’t require the ‘laying on of hands’ to be filled, and though they acted pretty weird, they were fully able to say what was happening to them.
    • If the only time I was aware of the spirit was in meetings it would be like ignoring one of my children except on their birthday. Surely, either we accept and worship the spirit as the third member of the trinity, be as focussed on him as we are on Jesus and God the father, or our understanding and our worship is lacking?


In terms of gifts.. 

  • Speaking in tongues. I get that. it makes sense, let the heart speak without the hang up of words.
    • Speak to edify yourself
    • Speak to build up others (praying in/with the spirit)
    • Speak to strengthen the church – don’t know how this works, but if it does, fine.
    • pray in the spirit, by the spirit’s prompting – seems to make sense and be helpful.
  • Interpreting tongues.  this seems to be helpful if the church is to be built up
    • Does God speak to us in tongues?  Seems like an extraordinary hurdle that is unnecessary. – rather like when the catholic church only spoke in Latin…
    • If he doesn’t generally speak this way, why are interpretations of tongues often phrased as if God is speaking?
    • The potential for abuse of tongues then prophecy combo is huge, and though I generally trust our leaders and the people to be well intentioned, I wonder if we ever really correct things that are spoken that assume an authority that is not required, given or appropriate?
    • How do we assess if someone has the gift of interpretation?
      • Anyone with knowledge of scripture should be able to efficiently and intelligibly speak to remind us of it’s words without attaching to a tongue,
      • I wonder, if what is interpreted is speech from someone to God or someone to the church the ability to interpret may be more easily recognised and validated! 
        • Though a speaker might not know themselves the words they speak in another tongue, surely they would know whether the interpretation is consistent with what they feel or believe? 
        • Or that what they are speaking about is something they have never thought about or are concerned about?
  • Prophecy, I get that – if God is alive and well, he’ll surely speak, won’t he?
    • Either God speaks or he doesn’t.
      • if he speaks, we need to learn to listen to what he says and more importantly do it!.
      • If he doesn’t speak, what on earth is all this stuff we hear ‘God’ saying?
    • I don’t get a lot of the language that we use when we prophecy.  Sometimes I think we use prophecy as another way of being ‘opinionated’ or to show how ‘holy’ or ‘close to God’ we are.
    • So much of prophecy seems very namby pamby.
      • I struggle to believe that the God who told Noah what wood to use and how to build an ark would speak so vaguely or so restrictively to those who are attempting to follow his lead.
      • Jesus spoke in parables, and though the meaning may be unclear, the holy spirit is supposed to be our helper/advocate.  in which case one would expect his communication to be intelligible, clear and helpful?
      • So I’m not at all sure that much of what we hear is prophetic.  Inspired, maybe.. Prophetic? I’m not certain.
    • But if we agree that God does speak to us directionally, what do we do with that?
      • Authority is an elder function – so what do we do when prophets speak ‘authoritatively’? 
        • I worry about the ability to pose and move ‘agenda’s’ by using prophecy. 
        • I wonder just how much God really cares about some of the things we think are important? [his ways are higher than ours afterall]
    • When we talk to people about how to hear God, why do we often limit their expectation of God speaking [to those without a confirmed gift of prophecy] as saying Yes, No, wait?   This doesn’t seem scriptural or helpful.
    • Can you learn to prophecy, or practice it? 
      • If it’s a gift it should come from the spirit.
        • Understanding if you have the gift perhaps takes the wisdom and discernment of others? 
        • Learning when to prophecy is helpful?
        • Prophecy workshops?  what are those?
    • That we both seem to highly revere prophecy, but not to include it as canonical but also need to weigh it [I’m not clear on who should weigh], AND that we ensure that nothing is considered prophetic if it is not consistent with existing canonical scripture seems a difficult balance to maintain for Christians who just try to live for Christ as well as they can.
  • healings, This is always awesome when they are genuine. That God the creator has power to heal and wants to, how can anyone find that difficult. 
    • There are pranksters, charlatans and people who just want attention out there. In that regard, Derren Brown clearly makes a great point and i am thankful he exposes the trickery some have clearly used… Hands up anyone who wants authenticity, not showmanship in our meetings where healings are purported?
    • Whether a provable physical healing takes place, or that someone no longer complains of an affliction but accepts they have one (and is therefore made more ‘content’) seem to me to both be healings. I don’t know if the emotional healing is given as much credit as it deserves, and surely it is up to God to choose how he heals us?
    • I’d love to see more physical healings.  It demonstrates as clearly as a life totally turned around that God is alive and is powerful.
  • Discerning of spirits. I don’t really know what this is.
    • There seems to be a lot of talk about demons and angels and spirits of the age but I don’t think I’ve really heard good teaching on this subject to be able to know what this discerning really is and how we can evidence it’s operation.
    • There does appear to be a lot of nonsense talked about where we see demons in and on people who belong to Christ. I don’t see how this can be possible. If we are new creations, the old has gone the new has come. We now belong to His kingdom, and sin and evil has no dominion over us. If Christ and his spirit is ‘within’ us, how can a demon also be resident?
      • I think we confuse demons with sinful actions we chose to do, and use demonic forces as an excuse to not take responsibility for the good we fail to do and the evil we chose to do.
  • Wisdom.  Everyone needs more of this. this has to be a good thing
    • Get wisdom, get understanding…   if we need the holy spirit to illuminate the scriptures to us, then I hope this is a gift we all have.
    • Of course wisdom is nothing if it doesn’t affect our actions.
    • it’s hard to be wise unless we read, learn and grow.
    • Is the gift of wisdom something more than understanding what is wise?
  • Knowledge. it’s surely a wonderful thing if God gifts us with knowledge supernaturally.
    • Just because we know something doesn’t mean everyone needs to know.
    • surely God speaks to us about more than ‘joe blogs has a dodgy knee’ – I haven’t in recent years observed much of people saying God told me about ‘situation’… I hope though that this is exactly what IS happening..
      • I wonder do we maybe get knowledge confused with Prophecy?
    • I don’t know how we recognise this gift, nor how we enable the benefit to be used widely.
  • Faith.  How rarely do I talk about or ask for this as a gift of the spirit?
    • Salvation itself requires faith.  is this gift of faith somehow different?
    • surely one evidence of a gift of faith is that miraculous stuff is able to happen…
      • mountains leap in the sea
      • situations are miraculously altered
    • is another evidence of a gift of faith the ability to impart faith into a situation where someone (else) is faithless?
    • Seems to me, more than any of the other gifts, this would be a fabulous one to persistently ask God for and practice?
  • Miracles:  Signs and wonders:  I guess this would have to be the ‘staff’s into serpents’ and ‘water to wine’ and stuff?
    • I haven’t heard of ANY cases of anyone doing these things in modern day. 
    • We see miracles as healing (and salvation) only  but what has happened to the signs and wonders stuff that perhaps to our eyes would seem more like ‘magic’
    • I’d really like to be able to turn water into wine (the best stuff that people will want to drink)


Why have I written these things down?

It’s because if I who have been around church and Christ followers, and have attempted to follow Christ myself for much of my nearly 40 years can be concerned and confused about things of the spirit, how much more might we need to explain to those who observe us?

Isn’t it refreshing when leaders admit what they don’t know as much as what they do?  Surely it gives those who journey with us hope that they are not ‘hopelessly lost’ or incapable of contributing in the family of God whilst they wait to be with Him?

We have real questions to answer when we start talking about the spirit. I cannot be alone in having concerns and worries about what I observe [maybe I am?], but we have nothing to fear about being truthful and open about what we understand and what we don’t. 

We have to accept that there have been terrible abuses and follies. We have to be honest that we don’t always know what’s happening. We have to be clear that the Holy Spirit is God and we’re still learning how to interact with him appropriately.  (and maybe those who do have wisdom on such things, need to help those of us who don’t)

I would like to think that we are word and spirit people.  I cannot ignore this person of the trinity because some things make me uncomfortable. I cannot ignore his prompting, and I mustn’t for the sake of ignorance attempt to squeeze him out of our worship of God. Where i struggle, I want to be open to believe, have faith and know/experience more.  Where I understand, I want to grow in stature and live well.

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